Eastern small-footed bat

Latin name: Myotis leibii
Average size: Total length of 7-9 cm
Wingspan: 21-25 cm
Weight: 3-5 g
External characteristics: This species is the smallest bat found in Canada, and is also the rarest. The fur on their back is golden brown, but the hairs are black at the base. The coat on their underside is a greyish brown. The face and ears are completely black, and the ears are moderately long with a pointed tragus. The wings and uropatagium are also black. This species can be identified by its very small feet that are no longer than 8 millimetres.
Habitat: The eastern small-footed bat inhabits the southeast of Ontario and Quebec as well as the eastern United States. It is mostly found in mountainous forests. It can tolerate colder temperatures than the little brown myotis. During the summer, it roosts in buildings, bridges, caves, mines, hollow trees, tunnels, and rock crevices. Individuals spread out to hibernate in crevasses, caves, or inside abandoned mines. They hibernate in a horizontal position, close to the entrances of caves, where temperature and humidity are more variable, and isolate themselves from other individuals.
Reproduction: Mating occurs at swarming sites in the fall and males and females have many partners. The eastern small-footed bat has one pup each year that is born in July. At birth, pups weigh around 1-2 grams, which is about 25-30% of its mother’s weight.
Seen in: Ontario, Quebec